Follow the Mayos

Infrequent glimpses of life on the South coast with the Mayo family.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Alice's 4th birthday party

So, this was the first party for which little miss-organised would be able to contribute. Oh dear. The list of invitations was scrutinised with a fine-tooth comb, as was the menu, the entertainment, the adult helpers & the weather.

Of course she (& Bid) did a wonderful job. The day started a little crisp, but by 1000 the sun was appearing around the back of the house & the garden started to get nice & toasty, hmmm.

Luckily the magic fairy also called, and rather diplomatically she appionted the birthday girl as her little helper:

Then, once the Magician & her helper had turned the glitter into a tray of sweets & magic'd the rabbit out of the hat she let everybody have a quick stroke. I think it all finished quite quickly after that. Can't quite remember...

Oh yeah, it was party-food time (cold finger buffet, good idea Bid, must do the same next year).

And yes, Alice did get to blow out the candles without Charlie getting to them first, even if Abigail from over the road gave her a little help:

All over for another year.


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